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What is Maternal Photography?

What is Maternal Photography?

I decided to specialise in "Maternal Photography" as I found that it gave me the most happiness from a photography session. I love a beautiful landscape and weddings can be wonderful, crazy days to document but photographing a pregnant mum, a fresh little newborn baby or photographing an amazing mum and her children just fills me with joy.

Maternal Photography is all about mums...

Pregnant mums, new mums and mums with their children and partners or mums with their mums is even more special.

I lost my mum a few years ago and sadly did not have alot of images with her and what I do have are quick snaps. Although I cherish what I have I so very wish I had taken the time to document our connection, our love with some beautiful images together. I wish I had images of her with my sons, her grandsons but sadly I dont have one image of her with all three of them.

It truly warms my heart and brings joy to the very fibre of my being when I can give that gift to a family.

This is what makes me a most passionate maternal photographer

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